LEI Registration | Apply Legal Entity Identifier Number

MNS is a GLEIF accredited LEI Registration Validation Agent. LEI number is a global reference code that helps to identify every legal entity involved in a financial transaction, globally.

LEI Registration | Apply Legal Entity Identifier Number

MNS is a GLEIF accredited LEI Registration Validation Agent. LEI number is a global reference code that helps to identify every legal entity involved in a financial transaction, globally. MNS Credit is a Validation Agent for Legal Entity Identifier India Limited (LEIL), a Local Operating Unit (LOU) accredited by Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF) Switzerland, the organisation that manages global LEI system (GLEIS) through LEI issuing entities, known as LOUs.

LEI Registration | Apply Legal Entity Identifier Number

MNS is a GLEIF accredited LEI Registration Validation Agent. LEI number is a global reference code that helps to identify every legal entity involved in a financial transaction, globally.