Author: Megan

When Does Cost Segregation Make Sense?

"Cost segregation makes sense if you have substantial ordinary taxable income which cannot otherwise be offset. Confirm that you are eligible to deduct the depreciation. Limited partners are only able to... Read More

IRS Expectations for Cost Segregation Analysis

IRS Expectations for Cost Segregation Analysis - "The IRS has 3 primary expectations for cost segregation reports: 1. Credible method of analysis; either the appraisal or engineering method 2. Credible results 3. Documentation... Read More

What is NOT DIY Cost Segregations?

What is NOT DIY Cost Segregations? A few cost segregation professionals have suggested a reasonable approach is to just use a mathematical model. The model typically has little information except... Read More

The history of cost segregation essentially goes back to the beginning of the income tax in the U.S. Ever since the congress started imposing income taxes on the wealthy, their... Read More

O’Connor has completed cost segregation studies in almost every state in the U.S. and a number of other countries. In addition, our experts have completed depreciation studies for virtually every... Read More

When Does Cost Segregation Make Sense?

"Cost segregation makes sense if you have substantial ordinary taxable income which cannot otherwise be offset. Confirm that you are eligible to deduct the depreciation. Limited partners are only able to... Read More

IRS Expectations for Cost Segregation Analysis

IRS Expectations for Cost Segregation Analysis - "The IRS has 3 primary expectations for cost segregation reports: 1. Credible method of analysis; either the appraisal or engineering method 2. Credible results 3. Documentation... Read More

What is NOT DIY Cost Segregations?

What is NOT DIY Cost Segregations - A few cost segregation professionals have suggested a reasonable approach is to just use a mathematical model. The model typically has little information... Read More

History of Cost Segregation – ECS

The history of cost segregation essentially goes back to the beginning of the income tax in the U.S. Ever since the congress started imposing income taxes on the wealthy, their... Read More

O’Connor has completed cost segregation studies in almost every state in the U.S. and a number of other countries. In addition, our experts have completed depreciation studies for virtually every... Read More